Women's Committee
What is the Forest Park Forever Women’s Committee?
The Women's Committee of Forest Park Forever – one of our most enduring groups – was formed in 1990 and is dedicated to engaging the community to raise funds to support the maintenance and restoration of Forest Park. Since its founding, the Women's Committee has raised over $7 million, primarily through one of our community's most well-known and eagerly anticipated events – the Forest Park Forever Hat Luncheon!
All who wish to support Forest Park Forever's work and mission by helping to ensure the success of the Women’s Committee are welcome.
“We look forward to the different opportunities to connect with one another! ”
How can I join?
To join the Women's Committee, you must also be a member of Forest Park Forever at the Keeper of the Park level or above.
Your financial donation to be a member of Forest Park Forever helps Forest Park throughout the year, from planting flowers and pruning trees to clearing paths and continuing to provide a high-quality experience for Park visitors.
If you're already a member of Forest Park Forever and interested in joining the Women's Committee, please email Jordan Bouchard, Director of Major Gifts & Planned Giving. If you're not yet a Forest Park Forever member, you can join below today.
Just in case you haven’t yet made up your mind, keep scrolling and be welcome to join us at an upcoming Women’s Committee Connect event to mingle with community and committee members who share a passion for supporting our beloved Park.
Want to Connect with the Women's Committee?
The Women’s Committee has both formal and informal gatherings throughout the year. Some experiences are exclusively for Women’s Committee members, while others are open to everyone who share a passion for supporting our beloved Park.
Be welcome to join us at an upcoming Women’s Committee connect event to mingle with community and committee members. Details below!
Coffee & Conversation: The Women’s Committee members and prospective members are welcome to join these informal quarterly gatherings as an opportunity to enjoy a morning coffee, meet members of the Forest Park Forever team and hear an update of happenings in the Park.
A special thank you to Crema Coffeehouse for generously providing the coffee to fuel our conversations this year!
Mark your calendar to join us between 8:00-9:00 a.m. for Coffee & Conversations this year on:
Thursday, March 20 at the Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center (updated due to possible inclement weather)
Thursday, May 1
Thursday, October 2