Forest Park Forever Events

Forest Park Forever hosts a variety of events throughout the year. Here's a sampling of our annual events, from free community gatherings to fundraisers that support our mission to restore, maintain and sustain Forest Park.

Young Friends Trivia Night

The Young Friends of Forest Park Forever host a trivia night each winter in the Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center. Registration, purchases and sponsorships of this even help support Forest Park’s annual care.

Forest Park Forever Golf Tournament

The annual golf tournament in May brings golfers and fans together on the greens of Probstein Golf Course in Forest Park, with refreshments, games and prizes in support of Forest Park maintenance. Hosted by our Young Friends group, this event welcomes golfers of all ages.

Forest Park Forever Hat Luncheon

The annual Hat Luncheon is our single largest fundraiser of the year. Every year, St. Louisans don their chicest chapeaus and join us under the World's Fair Pavilion to support Forest Park. The Forest Park Forever Women's Committee has been hosting this perennially popular event since 1990.

I Love Forest Park Virtual 5K & Kids Fun Run

Each August, hundreds of runners, walkers and strollers enjoy a unique route through Forest Park for the only 5K held in Forest Park that directly supports the Park’s care.

Fall Membership Appreciation Event

The Member Appreciation Day is our annual member appreciation event. It is a fun, multi-generational celebration for our friends and donors with various activities, food and entertainment.

Invasive Removal and Forest Restoration Day

We organize a large group volunteer event every fall to help our team clear a specific area of invasive plant species like bush honeysuckle. Removing invasive helps the overall health and biodiversity of natural areas and is an important step in restoring them into healthier habitats.