Forest Park Forever and the City of St. Louis are proud to unveil the world-class designs for the Glade. This community-driven project will restore Steinberg Rink and transform its 22.5-acre surroundings into an all-season destination, improving access to eastern Forest Park and providing year-round activity at the previously winter-centric amenity.

While sustaining cherished traditions that the community has known at Steinberg Rink since 1957, the Glade will invite you to experience Forest Park like never before. Learn more about the project through the renderings and facts below, and follow progress on our construction update page.

Descriptions of the pictured amenities and renderings can be found in the tabs below.

About the Project

A project this ambitious and complicated requires a dynamic team of contributors. The public-private partnership of the City of St. Louis and Forest Park Forever has collaborated with a world-class team to conceive a design that meets the project vision: “To reimagine the Steinberg area as a place for all-season fun that is equitably, environmentally, and economically sustainable and inspires a variety of structured and unstructured activities that are welcoming to all.”