The City of St. Louis Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry and the nonprofit conservancy Forest Park Forever invite the St. Louis region to see the latest concepts and share input on plans for basketball courts in Forest Park at four upcoming open houses. The two organizations, which partner to restore, maintain and sustain Forest Park, are collaborating on the goal to add basketball to Forest Park’s recreational amenities.
The open houses are part of the community engagement process that collects public input before any major capital updates to the Park, under the guidance of the Forest Park Master Plan.
Learn more about the project and the open houses here, and join us at one of the following open house events:
Now community members will get to see and weigh in on design and amenity possibilities at four open houses, from 4-7 p.m. on the following dates:
NOTE: The Open House scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 25 in the Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center in Forest Park is POSTPONED due to the winter storm. The new date for this one is Wednesday, Feb. 1.
Thursday, Jan. 26: The Heights Recreation Center (including a Police vs. Fire Department basketball game), 8001 Dale Ave., Richmond Heights, 63117
Tuesday, Jan. 31: Marquette Recreation Center (including on-court knockout games), 4025 Minnesota Ave., St. Louis, 63118
Wednesday, Feb. 1 [New Date]: Dennis & Judith Jones Visitor and Education Center in Forest Park, 5595 Grand Drive in Forest Park, St. Louis, 63112
Thursday, Feb. 2: O’Fallon Park YMCA (including on-court knockout games), 4343 W Florissant Ave,. St. Louis, 63115