Species of the Month, 02/14: American Mink

Note: This is the second post in our "Species of the Month" series, written by Park Ecologist Peter VanLinn. It's one of several 2014 initiatives meant to share knowledge we have about the Park with those who love it.

American Mink (Neovison vison) — Park Locations: This species can be found throughout Forest Park along the waterways and forests, particularly Successional Forest, Kennedy Woods and along the water way from Deer Lake to Steinberg Prairie.....

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5QS: Meet Amy Witt, Nature Reserve Steward

With this post, we kick off a new blog series called 5QS. It gives us the chance to ask our fellow Forest Park Forever staff and volunteers five questions about themselves and their work ... and it gives you the chance to get to know them — and the Park — better. Kicking off the series: Amy Witt, Nature Reserve Steward and organizer of this Thursday's Birding Basics gathering, which takes place ....

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PeopleJasmine Evans5QS
Species of the Month, 01/14: Ozark Witch Hazel

Note: With this post, we kick off a new "Species of the Month" series, written by Park Ecologist Peter Van Linn III. It's one of several 2014 initiatives meant to share knowledge we have about the Park with those who love it.

Are you longing for even the slightest hint of spring during these cold winter months? Fear not, Forest Park Forever’s “Species of the Month” has your cure. 

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Interns Learning, Shaping the Park

This fall, Saher GhulamMohammad (front) and (L to R) Raheem WoodsByron Davis and Booker Thomas have been working alongside the Forest Park Forever Land Management team as part of their horticulture internship through Gateway STEM High School. Gateway’s mission of preparing students for employment and further education is enhanced by the real-world experiences provided during internships...

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