2018 Young Friends Trivia: Event Recap


Superheroes Unite! This year's Trivia Night raised over $10,000 to support Park maintenance. Organized by our Young Friends group, this year's event brought together Forest Park fans and comic book aficionados for our liveliest trivia night yet!

In addition to the trivia questions, teams also went head-to-head on a DC vs Marvel contest where a superhero would be named and participants had to identify which universe they come from: crossing arms over their chest for DC, and raising a fist in the air for Marvel. In the end, we ran out of superheroes, with 20 people getting all of them correct. The group unanimously decided to forgo the prize and donated it back to Forest Park Forever. What generosity! The winner of the always popular 50/50 raffle showed the same generosity, donating his winnings as well.

Congratulations are in order for the night's winners (pictured above):

  • Costume contest: Quailman stole the show (along with his trusty sidekick Quaildog) – and went home some Urban Chestnut beer and merch

  • Table Decorating contest: “K Squad” (table captain Christine Phelps) won a package of superhero swag

  • Trivia Winners: For the third year in a row, team captain Ryan Pearson led his team ("McCurrens of the Galaxy") to victory. Thanks to Zza Pizza for donating their prize: a pizza party for 10.

Many thanks to emcee Jim Deken, our generous sponsors, the Young Friends Board for their leadership and all the volunteers who helped make this event possible! Click through the slideshow below for more highlights from the night.

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